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Buying a new car is a huge decision to make, especially if you are unsure about whether you want one with a manual or automatic transmission. To make a wise choice it's important to know what the terms mean.
Every car owner sooner or later faces the problem: what to do with the used up vehicle? A car is getting old and we start thinking about getting a new one. Being involved in an auction process, you have a good chance to sell your classic car at...
For the majority of car enthusiasts the speed and the power are the most important factors in buying a car. The more the indicators show, the more fascinating is the movement of the car. However, just to put a powerful engine and to create a fast car
Would you like a car that reflects your lifestyle or you need a car just to get to work and back? Do you need a large vehicle for your growing family or you want a small stylish car? A new sports car presents your welfare while mini models open to yo